魂の花 ソウルフラワーアート


By Mayumi mio

5歳の息子が私に教えてくれた息子が感じる魂 “きれいなお花のライオン“

筆に委ねて、あなたの魂を祝福する絵画 過去、現在、未来へと繋がる光のエネルギー 今の時代を選び、ここに生きているのは、忘れてしまっているけれど、過去世でやり残したことを、今世でやり直そうとテーマを決めて生まれてきた 現代の忙しい時間に流されていませんか?
魂レベルで生きることができた時、悩みとしていたすべての問題が問題ではなくなります。 あなたの魂の光と繋がるきっかけとなれれば幸いです。

Mayumi Mio
画家 / Live Painter







2018.08 英国の巨大アートフェスティバル Wirderness ライブペイント出演。
2019.10 壁画手掛けTVQ『ぐっ!ジョブ』に出演。
2020.03 自身初となる個展 『光の鼓動』開催
2020.07 福津の海の家 whitelagoon壁画手掛ける

Mio Mayumi is a Japanese professional painter and live-painting performer.

She grew up surrounded by the beautiful nature of Itoshima city in Japan where she enjoyed outdoor activities such as swimming in the sea and climbing trees.

Owing to her active childhood, she began drawing people, water, and botanically-themed pictures that were filled with vitality.

She used watercolor and block print as far back as she could remember, and she received her first award for block printing at the age of 9.

During high school years, Mio joined an art club and was fascinated by oil painting.

She achieved an award for an abstract painting titled “Evolution” depicting a plant growing dramatically in the water where life started. Recently, Mio began learning the crystalline painting technique from its inventor, Yoko Masuda, in which acrylic paint and round brush strokes are used to add beautiful transparent effects to her artwork.

Since the birth of her first child in 2016, she has been focusing on the fine texture of plants and living creatures and integrating warm, invisible and emotional connections seen in the love of family and their facial expressions to enhance her original style of vivid and dynamic art.

Mio also serves as a spine osteopathic therapist to shape balanced healthy bodies and bring out inner energies.

Her energetic art also provides people with a sense of nostalgia, comfort, energy and a new challenge at the same time.

Currently, Mio is reaching outside of Japan and working to spread the energy throughout the world.

She has been invited to perform at one of the UK’s largest art festivals, Wilderness 2018, as a live painting performer in August 2018.
